Ice pellets generally fall in cold weather while hail growth is greatly inhibited during cold surface temperatures. The Hail MatrixTable unifies a wide range of input formats eg.
4 hours ago贵州纳雍突降冰雹 冰雹铺满地面达数十厘米厚.

. Weather hail 下冰雹 xià bīngbáo to hail. 18 hours ago今23日晚台灣新聞熱門搜尋話題為冰雹昨22日上午10點15分左右在台南市後壁區幾處地方出現狂風暴雨竟然下起了冰雹有目擊的. 1 day ago中央氣象局今23晨發佈大雷雨即時訊息提醒民眾旺盛發展的對流常伴隨打雷閃電與劇烈降雨並可能出現較強陣風甚或伴隨冰雹發生溪流.
International association of hail insurers 这样的冰雹在那个地区可是希罕英文翻译 such a hailstorm was a rarity in that region 阵阵辱骂冰雹般地向他袭来英文翻译 hailstones of abuse were pelting him. Vcf bgen plink tsv gtf bed files and supports scalable queries even on petabyte-size datasets. Hail is a form of solid precipitation.
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冰雹の意味や日本語訳ピンインbīngbáo名詞 颗粒场ひょう雹雹子通称 冷子方言 用例下了一场冰雹雹が一降りした - 約160万語の日中中日辞典読み方発音も分かる中国語辞書. Hails MatrixTable abstraction provides an integrated and scalable analysis platform for science. It is distinct from ice pellets American English sleet though the two are often confused.
It consists of balls or irregular lumps of ice each of which is called a hailstone.
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